Put Yourself Back Together Real Friends | 2013

i found this through a facebook comment which is... but i'm glad i did because it's great!! a super emo(tional) experience that would've 100% defined my teenage angst if i had found it then.

"i write songs about you all the time, i bet i don't run through your mind"

the first glass beach album glass beach | 2019

the only 5th wave emo album i know and it's what i imagine the whole genre to be like (lol). full of super fun upbeat BANGERS to go with wholesome and emotional lyrics, from yearning to a full on trans anthem!

"her lyrics are naive but she still sings her heart out, the only way she knows how to confess"

Proof Paramore | Self-Titled | 2013

oh i don't know, maybe there's an insanely gender moment that drives me a little bit insane. just a little.

"baby, if i'm half the man i say i am, if i'm a woman with no fear just like i claim i am"

Love At First Sight The Brobecks | Violent Things | 2009

i'm not sure why i love this song as much as i do. it fills me with indescribable emotions, the lovesickness of "i love you" and "please love me".

"all of the these are the prettiest things when i'm in love"

One Day Robots Will Cry Cobra Starship | ¡Viva La Cobra! | 2007

one of my favorite songs i never listen to because it hurts so much. these guys have the ability to make the best shitty club music and the most heart-wrenching love songs ever.

"i've known you in every life i've lived, yeah, i'm still a kid, even though i'm colder"